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Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment 2025 Rally Schedule Notification

Indian Army Agnipath Scheme 2025 Overview

Field Details
Organization Indian Army
Category Army Agnipath Scheme / Yojana
Post Name Agniveer
Vacancies 25000+
Salary Rs. 30000/-
Job Location All India
Mode of Apply Online
Official Website


Important Dates.

Army Agniveer Form Apply Start Date: 12/03/2025
Form Apply Last Date: 10/04/2025
Army Agniveer Exam Date: June 2025

Application Fee

UR / OBC / EWS: Rs. 250/-
SC / ST: Rs. 250/-
Payment Mode: Online

Age Criteria

Post Age Criteria
Agniveer GD / Technical / Assistant / Tradesman 17.5 to 21 years
Soldier Technical 17.5 to 23 years
Sepoy Pharma 19 to 25 years
JCO Religious Teacher 27 to 34 years (as on 01/10/2025)
JCO Catering 21 to 27 years (as on 01/10/2025)
Havildar 20 to 25 years (as on 01/10/2025)

Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment 2025 Eligibility

Agniveer General Duty (All Arms):

Class 10th /Matric with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. For boards following grading system of D grade (33% ā€“ 40%) in individual subjects or equivalent of grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate in C2 grade or equivalent corresponding to 45% in aggregate.

Agniveer Technical:

10+2 / Intermediate Exam Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and 40% in each subject. OR 10+2 / Intermediate exam pass from any recognized State Education Board or Central Education Board to include NIOS and ITI course of minimum one year in required field with NSQF level 4 or above.

Agniveer Clerk / Store Keeper (Technical):

10+2 / Intermediate Exam Pass in any stream (Arts, Commerce, Science) with 60% marks in aggregate and minimum 50% in each subject. Securing 50% in English and Maths / Accounts / Book Keeping in Class XII is mandatory.

Agniveer Tradesman:

Class 10th simple pass.
No stipulation in aggregate percentage, but should have scored 33% in each subject.

Agniveer Tradesman:

Class 8th simple pass.
No stipulation in aggregate percentage, but should have scored 33% in each subject.

Applications are invited from unmarried male Candidates who have passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (hereinafter referred to as PCM) subjects and appeared in JEE (Mains) 2023 examinationand fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the subsequent paragraphs, for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Army.



A candidate must be an unmarried male and must either be : (i) A citizen of India, or (ii) A subject of Nepal, or (iii) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii) and (iii) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by Govt of India. Certificate of eligibility will however not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be shortlisted provisionally subject to the necessary certificate being given to him by the Govt before declaration of result by SSB/joining training.

Note 1. Candidates must undertake not to marry until they complete their full training. A candidate, who marries subsequent to the date of his application, though successful, will not be selected for training. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the government.

Age Limit:

A candidate must not be below 16Ā½ years and above 19Ā½ years on the first day of the month in which the course is due to commence i.e. the candidate should not be born before 02 Jul 2004 and not after 01 Jul 2007 (both days inclusive).

Note 1. Candidates should note that only the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary School Examination or an equivalent certificate will be accepted. No other document relating to age will be accepted.

Note 2. Candidates should also note that once a date of birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records, no change will be allowed subsequently on any ground whatsoever.

Educational Qualification:

  1. Only those candidates who have passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from recognized education boards are eligible to apply for this entry. Eligibility condition for calculating PCM percentage of various state /central boards will be based on marks obtained in Class XII only.
  2. Candidate must have appeared in JEE (Mains) 2023.

Medical Examination & Physical Standards.

Please visit for Medical Standards and Procedure of Medical Examination for Officers Entry into Army as applicable.

Note : The proceedings of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. Directorate General of Recruiting has no role to play in any Medical Boards. Procedure advised by the competent medical authorities will be strictly adhered to.

Candidate applying for the entry should not have been debarred from appearing in any examination by UPSC. Candidate should not have been arrested/convicted by a criminal court or involved in any court case. In case any such issue comes to notice during the selection process or pre-commission training, candidate/cadet will be subjected to cancellation of candidature/withdrawal from the Academy by IHQ of MoD(Army/b>

Vacancies. 90

The Vacancies are provisional and can be changed depending on the training capacity at the Training Academy for this course. The vacancies are subject to increase/decrease keeping the organizational requirement at the point of time.

Type of Commission

On successful completion of 4 years of the course, cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt.


They will be granted seniority on overall order of merit of the three technical institutes combined i.e. CME,MCTE,MCEME and in case the date of commissioning coincides with that of IMA, Dehradun, they will be placed en-bloc junior to IMA (NDA/ ACC / DE Course ) but above TGC / UES course.

Training. Total training will be of 5 years. Details are as under:

(a) Basic Military Training. 1 year (Officer Training Academy Gaya).

(b) Technical Training. (i) Phase-I (Pre Commission Training): 3 Years (CME Pune or MCTE Mhow or MCEME Secunderabad), (ii) Phase-II (Post Commission Training): 1 year at CME Pune or MCTE Mhow or MCEME Secunderabad.

(c) Award of Degree. The candidates will be awarded Engineering degree after successful completion of the final examination. No ante date seniority will be admissible to candidates on account of this Engineering degree. During the last two semesters, the officers will be permitted only one relegation on academic grounds. This relegation will be within the maximum two relegations permitted on academic grounds in the entire Engineering degree (8 semesters) in accordance with JNU Ordinance. Any further relegation of the officer on academic grounds will lead to termination of his commission.

Note. Candidates must understand that in case of final selection, their appointment will be provisional subject to satisfactory verification of antecedents by concerned civil/police/education authorities, as applicable.

Cost of Training.

ā‚¹13,940/- (as on 2021) and as notified from time to time per week (for the period of candidateā€™s stay at the Officers Training Academy, Gaya/Cadet Training Wing.) The cost of training is borne by State; will be recovered from candidates withdrawing for personal reasons.

How to Apply.

Application will only be accepted online. To do so the candidate needs to click on the ā€˜online applicationā€™ button on website

  1. Candidates must enter their particulars in the online application. Terms and conditions linked to the form must be read, prior to submitting the form.
  2. A candidate is permitted to make changes to data filled incorrectly in online application till the closing of the online applications. The candidate must ā€˜submitā€™ his application each time he opens his application for editing. No changes to online application will be permitted thereafter and no representation in this regard will be entertained.
  3. After successfully submitting the form, the candidate will receive a confirmation in the form of a dialog box of having submitted the application. Print out of the application with a Roll number will be available to the candidate 30 mins after the closing of online applications. Candidates are required to print two copies of the application with Roll Number generated by the system. One copy of the print out application duly self attested by the candidate will be carried to the selection centre for the SSB interview. Following documents will also be carried along with the Application Form:-
    1. Class 10th certificate and mark sheet in original showing DOB.
    2. Class 12th certificate and mark sheet in original.
    3. ID proof in original.
    4. Copy of result of JEE (Mains) 2023.

    The second copy of the printout of online application is to be retained by the candidate for his reference. There is no need to send any hard copy of application printout to Directorate General of Recruiting.

  4. Two self attested photocopies of the certificates mentioned at ser (c) above will be submitted at the time of SSB interview and originals will be returned after verification at the SSB itself.
  5. 20 copies of self attested PP size photograph will also be carried alongwith the Application Form.
  6. Candidates must submit only one application. Receipt of multiple applications from the same candidate will result in cancellation of candidature.


Note 1. Any change in your postal address after submission of application must be communicated by post duly quoting your Roll No, name and course opted for.

Note 2. In case, the candidate is employed he will inform his employment details and also give undertaking that he has informed the employer in writing that he is applying for commission in the Army.

Important Instructions

  1. The candidate needs to apply ā€˜onlineā€™ on Directorate General of Recruiting Website The application will be screened at Directorate General of Recruiting, Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Army) and the candidate thereafter will be detailed for SSB.
  2. For SSB interview, print out of online application must be accompanied by original documents along with two sets of self attested photocopies i.e. 10th class certificate issued by the Board concerned (CBSE/ State Boards/lCSE) in which date of birth is reflected for proof of date of birth (Admit card/Mark sheet/Transfer/Leaving Certificate etc. are not acceptable as proof of date of birth) and 10+2 certificate and mark sheet for proof of education and a copy of result of JEE (Mains) 2023. Revised mark sheets issued by a Board/University after last date of submitting online application will not be accepted for this course.
  3. While filling up the application form, candidates are required to indicate exact PCM percentage of Class 12th upto two decimals and are not to be rounded off. Any false entry of PCM percentage, detected at any stage of selection process will be out rightly rejected.

  5. Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army) reserves the right to short list applications and to fix cut off without assigning any reason. No communication will be entertained on this account. All incomplete online applications will be rejected outright. No intimation will be given to the candidate in writing or verbally.
  6. Shortlisted candidates will be detailed to undergo SSB interview tentatively to be scheduled from Aug/Sep2023 onwards.
  7. No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a result of test conducted at SSB.
  8. Candidate withdrawn from NDA, OTA, IMA, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy or any service trg academy on disciplinary grounds is not eligible to apply.
  9. Final merit list will be displayed at the Directorate General of Recruiting website before induction for pre-commissioning training.

Selection Procedure

The selection procedure is as follows:-

  1. Shortlisting of Applications. Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) reserves the right to shortlist the applications and to fix cut off without assigning any reason. After shortlisting of candidates, the Centre allotment will be intimated to the candidate via their email. After allotment of Selection Centre, firm SSB dates will be allotted to the candidates.
  2. Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cut off will undergo SSB at one of the Selection Centres i.e, Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) or Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centres on candidateā€™s registered e-mail ID and SMS only. Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of Directorate General of Recruiting, Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army) and NO request for changes are entertained in this regard.
  3. Candidates will be put through two stage selection procedure. Those who clear Stage I will go to Stage II. Those who fail in Stage I will be returned on the same day. Duration of SSB interview is five days and details of the same are available at the official website of Directorate General of Recruiting This will be followed by a medical examination for the candidates who get recommended after Stage II.
  4. Candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit, will be issued Joining Letter for training in the order of merit, depending on the number of vacancies available, subject to meeting all eligibility criteria. In the eventuality of being recommended by SSB, candidate should have no objection for undergoing medical examination by board of Male/Female doctors.
  5. Candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit, will be issued joining letter for training in the order of merit, depending on the number of vacancies available.
  6. The finally selected candidates will execute all the Bonds/Certificates as prescribed for the Cadets of NDA entry under AI 53/78.
  7. Candidate will not have any objection in the event of final selection, on allotment of any Arm/Service in the interest of the organisation.

Note 1. No claim or compensation will be made by the candidate if at any stage of selection the candidateā€™s ineligibility is detected and candidature is cancelled as a result thereof.

Note 2. Candidate will be debarred from future attempts and cancellation from the present course if at any stage of selection he is found to be indulging in any violation of local orders concerning discipline aspects.


  1. The candidates who apply for 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES) and National Defence Academy (NDA & NA) parallel courses need to undergo a medical examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers for the entries recommended.
  2. Those candidates who are recommended for TES prior to their NDA SSB will have to undergo medical for TES and NDA (AF and Navy) separately. The NDA medical examination will begin only after the candidate is declared FIT in TES medicals.
  3. If only NDA Army is their preference, these TES candidates need not undergo NDA medical again.
  4. The candidates who are recommended in NDA prior to SSB for TES need not undergo medical for TES separately. The Medical Status for TES (10+2) will be same as NDA (Army) medical examination. A candidate declared UNFIT in NDA will be considered UNFIT for TES as well.
  5. If the candidate is found UNFIT/ UNFIT IN ABSENTIA at any stage of medical examination in any entry i.e. TES or NDA & NA parallel courses he will be declared UNFIT for both the entries and no representation will be accepted thereafter.

Permanent Body Tattoos

For detailed Tattoo policy, visit

Change of Interview Dates

No Request for change of SSB Interview date/centre will be entertained to or replied.

Entitlement for Travelling Allowance

Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled for AC III tier to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of commission will not be entitled to travelling allowance on any subsequent occasion.



Note 1. On joining the Army, some personal restrictions in service will be imposed in accordance with Article 33 of the Constitution of India as promulgated in the Army Act and Army Rules from time to time.

Note 2. Any ambiguity/false information/concealment of information detected in the certificates/documents/ online application will result in cancellation of the candidature at any stage of selection thereafter.

Note 3. The candidate should have never been debarred from appearing in any examination by UPSC.

Note 4. The candidate should have never been arrested or convicted by a criminal court or involved in any case

Note 5. For all queries regarding allotment of Selection Centreā€™s, date of interview, merit list, joining instructions and any other relevant information please visit our website Queries will be replied ONLY through ā€˜Feedback/Queriesā€™ option available on the Rtg website.

Note 6. Please read the Notification, Tickers on website, Joining instructions and other instructions uploaded on the website thoroughly before submission of queries in ā€˜Feedback/Queryā€™ on our website.

Note 7. In order to avoid last hour rush and ensure timely response, queries received upto 03 days prior to closing of online application will ONLY be entertained/replied.


Agnipath Yojana 2025 Salary Structure

Year Total Amount In-hand Corpus Fund (Self) Corpus Fund (Govt.)
1st Year ā‚¹30,000 ā‚¹21,000 ā‚¹9,000 ā‚¹9,000
2nd Year ā‚¹33,000 ā‚¹23,100 ā‚¹9,900 ā‚¹9,900
3rd Year ā‚¹36,500 ā‚¹25,580 ā‚¹10,950 ā‚¹10,950
4th Year ā‚¹40,000 ā‚¹28,000 ā‚¹12,000 ā‚¹12,000

Indian Army Agniveer Selection Process 2025

The Selection Process for Agniveer in the Indian Army through the Agneepath Scheme 2025 includes the following Stages:

  • Written Exam
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
  • Trade Test (if required for a post)
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment 2025 Benefits

Seva Nidhi Package : The corpus generated after four years of contribution will be paid to the exiting Agniveers.

Agniveerā€™ Skill Certificate: At the end of engagement period, a detailed skill set certificate will be provided to the Agniveers, highlighting the skills and level of competency acquired by the personnel during their engagement period.

Class 12th Certificate: Agniveers who have been enrolled after qualifying Class 10th, a certificate for 12th (equivalent) will be given on completion of their four years engagement period, based on skills attained. Detailed instructions shall be issued separately.

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Join Indian Navy Agniveer SSR | MR Recruitment Online Form 2025-26

Join Indian Navy Are Recently Invited to the Online Application form for the Post of Agniveer SSR 02/2025,

01/2026 & 02/2026 Batch and Agniveer MR 02/2025, 01/2026 & 02/2026 Batch for Application Form. All

Eligible & Interested Candidates Can Read Full Notification Before Apply Online Now in the Given Link Below.

(For Unmarried Male / Female Candidates of Indian Citizen)

  • Notification Released: 20 March 2025
  • Online Apply Start: 29 March 2025
  • Last Date for Apply: 10 April 2025
  • Correction Window Open: 14-16 April 2025
  • Admit Card: Notify Later
  • Exam Date: May 2025

Application Fee

  • General/ OBC/ EWS Candidates: Rs. 550/-
  • SC/ ST Candidates: Rs. 550/-
  • GST Charge Extra: 18%
  • Payment Mode: Pay the Exam Fee Through Credit

Age limit

  • General/ OBC/ EWS Candidates: Rs. 550/-
  • SC/ ST Candidates: Rs. 550/-
  • GST Charge Extra: 18%
  • Payment Mode: Pay the Exam Fee Through Credit
  • Minimum Age: 17.5 Years
  • Maximum Age: 23 Years
  • Agniveer 02/2025 Batch: Candidate should be born between 01 Sep 2004 - 29 Feb 2008 (Both dates inclusive).
  • Agniveer 01/2026 Batch: Candidate should be born between 01 Feb 2005 - 31 Jul 2008 (Both dates inclusive).
  • Agniveer 02/2026 Batch: Candidate should be born between 01 Jul 2005 - 31 Dec 2008 (Both dates inclusive).
  • Note: Read the Notification for Age Relaxation.