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Prepare For UP Sainik School (Making Officers Building Nation)


Prospects for admission session(2025-26) Click Here...


Sainik School, Lucknow was established in July 1960. The only one of the Sainik schools to be administered by the state government, the alumni of which, Captain Manoj Pandey, posthumously received Param Veer Chakra. It was the first Sainik School in the country, and was followed by the setting up of other Sainik Schools, under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, on the same lines. The education in this school is subsidised by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. It is a boys' residential English medium school affiliated to CBSE Board.


The main aim of the School is to prepare the Cadets academically, physically and mentally for entry into the Commissioned ranks of the Defence Services through the National Defence Academy. To achieve this, the School provides comprehensive education:

1. To bring each cadet to an educational standard which will enable him to complete successfully in the open competition for admission to the National Defence Academy.

2. To train each Cadet in a manner, which will instill in him qualities of self reliance and confidence and enable him to derive full benefit from the courses of instruction at the National Defence Academy.

3. To render Cadets physically fit to take their place at the NDA and later to face with courage and endurance the hardships inseparable from life in the Armed forces.

4. To render Cadets physically fit to take their place at the NDA and later to face with courage and endurance the hardships inseparable from life in the Armed forces.

5. To impart training to all Cadets so that in consonance with the National Spirit they could conduct themselves with confidence in any society,and

6. To infuse in all Cadets a sense of loyalty, patriotism, individual and corporate responsibility for leading a purposeful life as honest and useful citizens of India.



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UP Sainik School 2025 Prospects Click Here
UP Sainik School Online Form 2025 Link Click Here
UP Sainik School Official Website Click Here



Start Form Date: 10 September 2024
Last Form Date: 25 October 2024
Exam Date: 29 December 2024(Sunday)
Tentative Dates for Medical and Interview: Between 10th Feb to 28th Feb 2025
Tentative Dates for Final Result: Between 15th Mar to 20th Mar 2025


Last Date of Application and Payment: 25 Oct 2024 (TILL 17:00 HRS ONLY)

Last Date including late fee Rs.2000/- : 05 Nov 2024 (TILL 17:00 HRS ONLY)


  • Candidate must be a domicile of UP.
  • Date of Birth Application are invited from candidates born between dates given as under for the academic year 2025-26, for appearing in Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey UP Sainik School Entrance Examination to be held tentatively on 10 Nov 2024
    1. For Class VI (Male): 02 July 2013 to 01 January 2016 (both dates inclusive)
    2. For Class IX (Male and Female) : 02 July 2010 to 01 January 2013 (both dates inclusive)
  • Proof of correct date of birth (Birth Certificate from competent authority) and studying certificate from the head of the recognized educational institution last attended or attending, must be submitted at the time of admission. If the candidate is finally selected he/she will not be admitted in the school unless he/she produces the school leaving certificate at the time of admission duly countersigned by the concerned district educational authorities. Candidates must have passed class V, & VIII from a recognised institution before joining the school for admission in class VI & IX respectively.Those studying in class V & VIII and fulfilling the other eligibility criteria can also apply for the admission in Class VI & IX respectively provided they pass class V & VIII before joining the Institution.

    (i) For admission in the school,candidates must qualify in the written examination, consisting of one question paper, i.e., English, General Knowledge.Mathematics, Intelligence, Exam will be OMR based. Three times candidates in respect to the no. Of vacant seats will be called for interview on basis of merit. Admission is granted on the basis of merit after interview and Medical Examination. Few seats are declared as Part of Payment seats. Fee structure of the Payment seat-is double the normal fee. Payment seats therefore is offered to the candidates in order of merit till the merit rank of 100 only.

    (ii) Scheme of examination will be as under:- OMR based One question paper having, Mathematics, Intelligence, English, General Knowledge-200 Marks –2:30 hours


    1. STEP1 : ONLINE REGISTRATION – On successful registration, Applicant will get the Username & Password for logging into their dashboard for further steps.
    2. STEP 2 : APPLICATION FORM - Fill the Application Form. All fields should be filled or selected very carefully. Fields having * marks are mandatory. Applicant can edit his/her application any number of times before the successful payment.
    3. STEP 3 : ONLINE PAYMENT - Make Payment. Please recheck your application form details carefully because after fee payment, applicant can't edit his/her application form in any way
    4. STEP 4 : PRINT APPLICATION FORM – Applicant must take the printout of the application form and keep it safe for future references
    5. STEP 5 : CORRECTION WINDOW – Correction window will open from 08 Nov 2024 to 10 Nov 2024 (1700 Hrs). Applicant can edit the details in the Application form except Name, Class, Mobile No, and E-mail ID.
    6. STEP 6 : PRINT ADMIT CARD - Admit Card will be generated after 05 Dec 2024.
    7. STEP 7 : RESULTS – Applicants can check their Entrance Exam Results on school website.

    Fee is not refundable in any case. Applicant must take the printout of the Application form and keep it safe for future references. Applicant will not be able to edit/update his/her application form after the Fee submission (Except during correction window). Applicant/Guardian will be responsible for any mistake in the Application form

    Applicant can download/print Admit card after 05 Dec 2024 by login to their account using their login credentials. Applicants have to make sure that same recent photo be pasted at the given space on the admit card which was uploaded while filling application form

    NOTE:Note: Please do submit Online Application Form at an early date to avoid last moment delay/problems in submission due to heavy network traffic


    Reservation criteria for admission is provided as per Govt. orders on the subject. Existing reservation is as follows:-
    EWS(Gen) - 10%
    OBC - 27%
    SC - 21%
    ST - 2%
    Fake caste certificate found at any stage will result in cancellation of candidature/ admission & legal action will be initiated as per rules.


    Admission to the school is done through an OMR Based (Objective) Competitive Written Examination.


    Shortlisted applicants in the written exam on the basis of merit are required to complete their medical exam on the prescribed format of school and then appear for Interview on the laid down dates in the school campus. Final merit list will be prepared on the basis of written exam, medical exam and Interview including reservation policy. Results will be hosted on the school website


    Candidates who qualify for the interview are required to go through a medical tests. Unfit candidates will not be eligible for the interview/admission in this school at any cost.


    1. Finally a merit list is prepared and candidates are admitted according to their place in the merit list, the number of vacancies available and medical fitness.
    2. The candidates are required to make their own arrangement for boarding and lodging in connection with examination, interviews and medical examination. No TA/DAis admissible.
    3. Under no circumstances, the candidates or their parents, guardians, relatives or friends will be permitted to approach any officer of the school or any other person connected with the selection of candidates. Any attempt to do so will disqualify the candidate.


    1) The Written examination is held at the following city in Uttar Pradesh;
    (a) Agra
    (b) Ayodhya
    (c) Bareilly
    (d) Gorakhpur
    (e) Jhansi
    (f) Meerut
    (g) Prayagraj
    (h) Varanasi
    (j) Lucknow
    School has all right reserved for allotment of exam center and can increase or decrease as and when required
    2) The entrance test (written exam) gets completed in a day.


    a) Cadets are required to pay school fee of Rs. 50,000/- per year (excluding other miscellaneous charges) payable in advance at the commencement of each session. After due date a fine of Rs.100/-per day will be imposed. If he/she fails to submit fee till a period of 30 days his/her name will be struck off from the school. The fee may be raised to neutralise the mounting cost of training at the school. The information regarding fee will be available on the school website. Separate letter will not be sent to parents by the school.
    Note: Fee may Change as per Government orders.
    b) School and other fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.


    Payment of the school dues including pocket money are to be made by a single bank draft of any Nationalized bank only, drawn in favour of the Principal, U.P. Sainik School, Lucknow payable at Lucknow or can be submitted online through school website Dues for each academic session must be st paid between 1 April to 30 April. CASH ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Fee once paid is not refundable. The cadet may not be allowed to continue his studies if the dues are not paid on time.An amount of Rs.100/- per day be levied as late fee charges if fee is not paid in time.

    Join Up Sainik School Complete Online Course

    Required Documents/Certificates

    The following documents/certificates to be brought in original and one photocopy for verification at the time of Interview:

    1. Domicile certificate of candidate issued by the Competent Authority.
    2. Caste certificate of candidate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS-GEN) issued by the competent authority.
    3. Birth Certificate of applicant issued by competent authority.

    The following documents/certificates to be submitted at the time of ADMISSION:

    1. Transfer Certificate from the school last attended duly countersigned by the District Inspector of school/BSA in original.
    2. Domicile certificate of applicant issued by the competent authority in original and self-attested copy.
    3. Caste certificate of applicant (SC/ST/OBC/EWS-GEN) issued by the competent authority in original and self-attested copy.
    4. Agreement bond on Rs.100/- non judicial stamp.
    5. Affidavit on Rs.10/- non judicial stamp regarding Anti ragging and domicile.
    6. Birth Certificate of applicant issued by Nagar Nigam/Nagar Palika/Zila Panchayat Adhikari in original and self-attested copy.
    7. Self-attested copy of Aadhaar Card of applicant.
    8. Mark sheet of class VI and VIII for admission in class VII and IX respectively in original.

    Join Up Sainik School Complete Online Course


    1. Personal Mobile Number & Correspondence Address of the applicant- for validations and future correspondence. In case you provide wrong/incorrect mobile number you will not be able to receive the updates.
    2. Please note that Applicant will not be able to edit/update his/her application details after the fee submission. No request for correction in any details of the applicant will be entertained, after the last date of the application (Except during correction window).
    3. The applicant is not required to submit the hard copy of the Final Application Form and supporting document(s) to the Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey UP Sainik School, Lucknow.
    4. Applicant should fill the form according to eligibility criteria like Class, Gender, date of birth etc. The applicant is required to bring the Student Identity Card / Bonafide Certificate with photograph (attested by the Head of the Institution) issued by recognised School in which he/she is presently studying at the Examination Centre apart from the Admit Card issued by Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey UP Sainik School, Lucknow for appearing in the examination. The particulars of the applicants would be verified by the Exam Supdt at the examination centre with the photo identity card brought by the applicant vis-à-vis Admit Card issued by Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey UP Sainik School, Lucknow for entrance examination. In case of any mis-match, the applicant will not be allowed to appear for the examination and his candidature will be cancelled. The Exam Supdt would record the same on the attendance sheet against the respective applicant. There will be no refund of examination fee in such cases. Admit card contains two section/copy (Applicant's Copy & School's office Copy), of which School's Copy will be mandatory to submit to the invigilator during the written exam.
    5. The parents/applicants should exercise due care while filling up the application form. If on verification or otherwise at any subsequent stage, incorrect entries or some variations are found, then the candidature is liable to be rejected and legal action will be initiated against the guardian.
    6. Verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents is taken up only after the applicant has qualified for Interview/Admission and the candidature will be cancelled if any variations found, then the candidature is liable to be rejected and legal action will be initiated against the guardian.
    7. Applicants should also note that once a Date of Birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records of the application form for the purpose of admission, no change will be allowed subsequently on any ground what so ever and the candidature will be cancelled if any variations found with the DOB documents. Note: For queries related to only registration and fee payment you may contact school office on Mob.No. 7052777795 between 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs on working days only. Sample papers of Entrance Exam will be available on our school website.

    Note: For queries related to only registration and fee payment you may contact school office on Mob.No. 7052777795 between 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs on working days only. Sample papers of Entrance Exam will be available on our school website.

    Fill Up Sainik School Application Form Online


    For Class 6th & 7th

    Sec Subject Number of
    1 English 50 50
    2 General Knowledge 50 50
    3 Mathematics 75 75
    4 Intelligence Test 25 25
    Total 200 200

    For Class 9th

    Sec Subject Number of
    1 English 50 50
    2 General Knowledge 50 50
    3 Mathematics 75 75
    4 Intelligence Test 25 25
    Total 200 200




    UP Sainik
    UP Sainik
    UP Sainik
    UP Sainik
    UP Sainik
    UP Sainik



    Form Date:
    10 Sep. to 25 Oct. 2024
    Exam Date: 29 December 2024(Sunday)
    For Class VI: From 10 am to 12:30 pm
    For Class VII: From 10 am to 12:30 pm
    For Class IX: From 10 am to 12:30 pm
    Sec Subject Number of
    1 English 50 50
    2 General Knowledge 50 50
    3 Mathematics 75 75
    4 Intelligence Test 25 25
    Total 200 200
    Sec Subject Number of
    1 English 50 50
    2 General Knowledge 50 50
    3 Mathematics 75 75
    4 Intelligence Test 25 25
    Total 200 200
    Medium of the question paper of the exam for Admission to Class VII will be any one of the following languages, opted by the candidates in their application form: English and Hindi.
    You can change any of the details that was earlier filled in in the exam from through the Correction Window at during the limited period. You can also upload the correct document/s through the correction window, in case there was an error in the documents you had earlier uploaded. No correction can be carried out either through email or fax or letter. Please read the Information Bulletin and check the website for updates.
    Extra payment, if any, made by you will be refunded to you, soon after the closure of the correction window, after fee reconciliation. In case you do not receive the refund as stated above, you may write to us at stating your application number, name, transaction reference number, date of the transaction, name of the bank/payment gateway through which payment was made.
    On the log in screen of the portal, click the “forgot application number” button and follow the procedure give there. You will get your application number


    The admit card will be uploaded on website as per the announcement on website. Candidates need to check the admit card carefully for all particulars e.g. Roll No. Name, Medium, Date of Birth, Gender, Examination City/Centre, Date and time of the exam, Category, etc
    Admit Card contains a Declaration cum Undertaking regarding COVID 19. You are required to affix your photograph and left hand thumb impression at the foot of the Declaration/Undertaking and also get the signature of your parent affixed at the space provided, before reaching the centre. You will be required to sign on the admit card in the presence of the Invigilator at the exam centre and also submit the same to the Invigilator after the exam.
      You are permitted to carry, only the following items to the test centre:
  • Pen (Black/Blue)
  • Personal transparent water bottle (500 ml)
  • Admit Card along with Self-Declaration (Undertaking) duly filled in and photo affixed.
  • Valid ID cards
  • Class VII:
    For those who opted for English or Hindi, the question paper will be in English and in Hindi.
    For those who opted for any of the specified languages, the question paper will be in the specified language and in English.
    In case of any discrepancy or error in a question (other than those in the Language Section of the Class VI paper), in the version of the paper in the opted language, English version shall prevail


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