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Chairman's Message

In the present period of modernization, intensity and fast changes, where instruction is losing the genuine significance and has become an equivalent word of procuring bread and butter. There is an exceptional need of instructive framework which can furnish most noteworthy level of scholastic greatness with sufficient open doors for mental, physical, enthusiastic and social development of understudies. Career Defence School is such an establishment which is resolved to give current, logical understudies mindful of their boundless shrouded potential.

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Career Defence School with its cutting edge, actually propelled youngster focused and eco-friendly infrastructure will prove itself a spot giving opportunity of picking up, making kid energetic and unconstrained to learn. Additionally, with scholarly accomplishment, we similarly emphasize the values,spirituality and uplifting mentality throughout everyday life. At last I might want to offer my thanks to all my staff individuals for their devotion and difficult work, discipline and inventive advancement that has helped in taking the school to more up to date statures.

Last yet not the least, my desires to the Career Defence School, its staff and understudies, all the guardians and each one of those related with their foundation.

Er. Vinay Rai
Electronics & Communications
Founder & CEO
Career Group