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Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith Complete Exam Details

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Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Deoghar, Jharkhand, established in 1922 is a branch centre of the Ramakrishna Mission, founded by Swami Vivekananda. Affiliated to the C.B.S.E., New Delhi this is a residential English medium Senior Secondary school for boys from class VI to class XII. Boys from all cross sections of society, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and nationality are admitted at two entry points viz. class VI and class XI only.


We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on his own feet. What we want are Western Science coupled with Vedanta, Brahmacharya as the guiding motto, and in addition to that Shraddha 1тБД4J)k1тБД2 and Faith in oneтАЩs own self.

We need technical education and all else which may develop industries so that men, instead of seeking for service, may earn enough to provide for themselves...

It is man-making religion that we want. It is man-making theories that we want. It is man-making education all- round that we want.

Exam Notification 2024-25

Prospectus 2024-25:

Prospectus 2024-25: Click here....

RK Mission Entrance Class VI Exam 2024-25:


  1. Availability of online application form: 1st July 2023 onwards.
  2. Last date to apply: 31st October 2023, Tuesda.
  3. Application fee: Rs. 800 /- (+ bank charges)
  4. Last date for application fee payment: 31st October 2023, Tuesday.
  5. Admit Card availability: 15th November 2023 onwards.
  6. Admission process: Two phased - Written Test and Interview.
  7. Written Test : Sunday, 17th December 2023.
  8. Interview: To be conducted later on, only for shortlisted candidates.
  9. Thoroughly go through the 'Admission Information & Procedure' and 'Prospectus', before filling out the Online Application Form.

Faulty or incomplete information in the Online Application Form will not be accepted, and will therefore stand cancelled automatically.

Selected candidates will have to submit the Transfer Certificate within 15 days of admission positively.

Any chronic disease (including habitual bed wetting) is held as a bar to admission.

Boys later discovered physically unfit or harmful by nature are liable to lose their seats, even after joining the school.

RK Mission School Eligibility Criteria for Class VI Exam 2024-25:

General norms regarding the eligibility for admission:
Application for admission in class : VI
Reading in class in 2022-23:V

FIRST PHASE тАУ Written Test:

Sunday, 17th December 2023.

To be held simultaneously at the allotted examination centres in Chapra, Deoghar, Guwahati, Kolkata and Imphal/b> However, choice of venue by the applicant is not final. The allotment will be reflected on the Admit Card as per availability of seats.

A written test of total 3 hours duration (including seating, checking etc.) will be conducted in this phase. Candidates will enter the respective examination halls with admit cards and pens as specified in their admit cards. The list of the successful candidates (except those from Guwahati and Manipur centres) from this written test will be released within 15 days approximately. The subjects for the test are:

Subject Marks Allocated Time
Mathematics & IQ 40 45 mins
Basic Science 20 25 mins
English 25 30 mins
Vernacular (Hindi / Bengali) 15 20 mins
Total 100 120 mins

Fill RK Mission School Application Form Online


The qualified candidates out of the above written test will appear in a viva-voce test (including a short written exam) at the Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Deoghar on a notified date. The list of selected candidates will include students from different regions, caste & religions. The list of finally selected candidates will be notified on the website ( Enquiry can also be made over phone at 87970 66678 / 94713 95502 / 94713 95503.

Final selection of candidates for admission is based on the principle of promoting the cultural harmony and spirit of national integration along with academic excellence.

General norms regarding the eligibility for admission:

Application for admission in class Reading in class in 2023-24 Age (Dec. 2023) Height limit *(Dec. 2023)
Six Five 10 тАУ 11 yrs 147 cm *
*Based on Indian Paediatrics (2007) article on website by V.V. Khadilkar,

Requirement of Aadhaar:

Aadhaar Number/Aadhaar Enrollment Number of the candidate is mandatory for submission of Application Form. Candidates shall fill up Aadhaar Number, Name & Date of Birth in application form as per the Aadhaar Card.

Medical Test:

The medical test etc. of each candidate qualified for the Second & Final phase of Test will be conducted on the day of the Second and Final Test.

Syllabus for preparation:

The syllabus for admission test (in respect of class VI) covers topics taught in class V & above, according to CBSE course. Textbooks of NCERT may, therefore, be helpful for the preparation. Questions in Mathematics and Basic Science will examine the studentsтАЩ understanding of the fundamentals at their level. For English and Vernacular тАФ knowledge of basic grammar, vocabulary, spelling, comprehension of given passages, essay writing and expression will be examined. Sample question papers are not provided.

Instruction to guardians:

Parents/Legal guardians are to accompany their wards during the final test. They will be required to produce the original documents. Their wards will be tested mainly for general intelligence, expression and personality in the Second & Final Test. There is no syllabus for it but the questions will be in conformity with their age and standard. Finally selected candidates will be informed by email and website notification within a month following the Admission Test. The new session will start in April 2024.


There is no provision of any sort of quota whatsoever for Admission at Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Deoghar.


The circular for the exact fees & charges will be sent along with the call letter for interview. For any query regarding this, Vidyapith accounts department may be approached. The charges for compulsory tutorial classes are extra and will be informed later on.


Selection is liable to be cancelled if any irregularity is found (including the health report) in the application form. Suppression of facts may lead to the removal of the boy at any time, even after his admission. Anomaly in the date of birth and in the declared height may result in non-selection of the candidate.

Other information:

  1. There is no provision for accommodation in the Vidyapith at the time of Admission Test.
  2. The Ramakrishna Mission does not have any other residential school in Jharkhand & Bihar.
  3. The Ramakrishna Mission neither conducts nor supports any type of coaching / training / tutorial centre meant for its admission tests anywhere.

Fill RK Mission School Application Form Online



Candidate must ensure the following before filling the Online Application Form:
  1. Keep ready all the properly scanned soft copies of the following documents in .jpeg or .png format before filling the online application:
    1. CandidateтАЩs passport size photograph with plain background.
    2. CandidateтАЩs specimen signature
    3. CandidateтАЩs Legal GuardianтАЩs specimen signature
    4. CandidateтАЩs Aadhaar Card / Document of Aadhaar Enrolment Acknowledgement Receipt
  2. Keep ready a proper Email Id and proper Mobile Number with you. These (mainly email id) will be used for the future communication.
  3. Other miscellaneous details such as fatherтАЩs and motherтАЩs occupation, salary, contacts etc. and other family details.

Go through the Sample Application Form (View) before filling out the actual Online Form.


  1. Once the initial details are submitted, select the venue. However, choice of venue by the applicant is not final. The allotment will be reflected on the Admit Card as per availability of seats.
  2. Proceed for Application Fee payment.
  3. Online Payment Modes available:
    1. Any Debit Card
    2. UPI
  4. Last date of Application Fee payment: 31st October 2023, Tuesday.

Application to admission is complete once the payment is successful.


Admit cards can be downloaded 15th November 2023 onwards using your login credentials. (Form No. and Date of Birth):

Download Admit Card


  1. For technical help in filling out the Online Application Form, contact: +91-9002-584-311 (WhatsApp/SMS only).
  2. For other queries, contact: 87970 66678, 94713 95502 /

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