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The school keeps up a well resourced that gives chances to the understudies to find the universe of learning and keep themselves refreshed. Library is refreshed on normal bases to urge the understudies to utilize this office. A broad library has been torment staking put to achieve the target and gloat of a wide accumulation of books and CD's.


  • All understudies of the school are individuals from the library.
  • An understudy can get just each book in turn for a time of about fourteen days.
  • Books will be given to the understudies, during the library time frames. No book will be given or returned during the instructing hours.
  • Checking, underlining or composing on library books is carefully illegal.
  • Reference books and current periodicals won't be given to any understudy. These can be perused uniquely in the library room.
  • On the off chance that the books are not returned inside a predefined time it will be seen genuinely and fine will be charged according to rules.
  • The custodian may require a book whenever, regardless of whether the typical time of advance has not terminated.
  • If there should arise an occurrence of book is abused, wrongly dealt with or lost the individual concerned should supplant the book or pay the maximum of the book.
  • A 'No Dues Certificate' by every understudy is to be gotten from the curator while pulling back any understudy from the school.
  • Exacting request and quiet will be kept up in the library.
  • Correlative books not promotion in library increase register.

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