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Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI Details

Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI Complete Exam Details

Prepare For Maharaja Ranjit Singh AFPI School (Making Officers Building Nation)

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• Institute set up by the Govt. of Punjab.
• Aim: To train selected young boys from the state for joining National Defence Academy, Pune.
• Duration of Training : Two years course at the Plus 1 and Plus 2 Level.
• Capacity: 48 cadets per year. Total 96 cadets at any one time.

Vision Statement

Maharaja Ranjit Singh Armed Forces Preparatory Institute, Mohali will be the premier training institution & Centre of Excellence of the Government of Punjab in training youth of Punjab for commission into the Indian Armed Forces through the National Defence Academy or equivalent training Academies, to enhance the numbers of Punjabi youth as officers in the Armed Forces and becoming the premier feeder Institution of officers for the Armed Forces of India.

Exam Notification


Entrance Exam Date for 15th AFPI

Form Last Date:- 01 Dec 2024 to 05 Jan 2025(Expected)
Exam Date:- 15 Jan 2025 (Expected)


• Only BOYS with a Punjab Domicile are eligible.
• Domicile of Punjab.
• Studying in Class 10th.
• Desirous of joining NDA
• Date of Birth- Not born before 02 Jul 2008.


  1. Boarding ,Lodging, Messing & Uniform free of cost.
  2. All Training at AFPI free of cost.
  3. Cadets only pay school fees for the school (Approx Rs. 50,000/- per year. payable in three installments).

- School Fees may increase marginally as decided by the school. Exact amount will be intimated later.

- Candidates who have already passed th Class 10 and are currently studying in th Class 11 may also apply provided they meet age criteria. However such candidates will be required to repeat th Class 11 if selected for admission to AFPI


  1. Written Test on 15 Jan 2025
  2. Total no of Questions 200
  3. Subjects - English(80/200), Maths (80/200) and Social Studies (40/200)
  4. Level-10th standard.
  5. Test will be Objective type and answer on OMR Sheet
  6. Selected candidates will be called for interview and test of Communication skills in Feb - Mar 2025
  7. Candidates successful in interview and communication skills will be medically examined
  8. First 48 candidates as per order of merit will be invited to join the institute in April 2025.

    Maharaja Ranjit Singh Entrance exam for 15th AFPI

  1. Punjab Govt initiative to select and train young boys from Punjab for joining NDA.
  2. Entrance exam for 15th AFPI course on 15 Jan 2025, Subject: English, Maths and Social Studies, (Class X CBSE Std).
    1. Domicile of Punjab
    2. Age Not born before 02 Jul 2008.
    3. Must be studying class X, Boys studying class XI can also apply However, such candidates will be admitted to class XI only if they meet age criteria.
  4. Highly subsidized education for 11th and 12th classes in one of the best schools in Mohali.
  5. Excellent sports and extracurricular activities. Modern Hostel with individual rooms & attached bathrooms free of cost.
  6. Apply online at Website: from 01 Dec 2024 to 05 Jan 2025.
  7. For queries/carifications if any, please visit our website: Personally visit: Director AFPI, Sector-77, Mohali -140308 or Email: and Contact No 0172-2219707 & 9041006305 (From 9 am to 5 pm on working days only)


  1. Only those who are successful in the order of merit in the written exam will be called for the Interview. Results of the written examination will be posted on the website of the Institute/recruitment portal approximately one week from the date of the written examination. Candidates will be called in batches
  2. The interview process will comprise of writing a text, a personal interview and a group discussion. Subject matter of the text writing and interview including the group discussion will be topics of general interest/day to day life including the learnt academic chapters.
  3. The primary aim of the Interview is to assess the communication skills of the candidates (both written as well as spoken). However, other qualities like confidence, motivation to join the officer cadre of the Armed Forces, and the raw form of the qualities expected to be in a potential aspirant too shall be keenly noticed during the Interview process.
  4. Interviews will be conducted at the Institute
  5. The interviews will be conducted by a team of trained officers. The team will consist of some or all of the following:-
    (a) GTO / Interviewing officer
    (b) Psychologist
    (c) Director AFPI
  6. The results declared by the interview team will be final and candidates will not be allowed to challenge or question these results.
  7. The Candidates may note that no special preparation is required for the interview. The interview will be conducted in formal and friendly environment.
  8. Certificates Required. At the time of the interview you will be required to bring along your birth certificate, domicile certificate, certificate pertaining to proficiency in sports if any, and certificate from your school showing marks obtained in the ninth class final exam and the tenth class marks obtained so far.
  9. The institute is not in a position to provide any accommodation to candidates appearing in the interview.
  10. Honesty and integrity will be of utmost importance. Please do not try to influence the selection procedure in any way. A very serious view will be taken of any aberration and any candidate found guilty will face immediate cancellation of their candidature. Also if any member of the staff tries to contact you with a promise to help you to influence the selection procedure, please bring this to the notice of the interview board so that immediate disciplinary action can be taken.
  11. Candidates will not be eligible for any TA / DA for appearing in the interview.
  12. Parents / guardians may accompany the candidate to the interview centre but they will not be permitted to witness or influence the interview under any circumstances.