Gurukul Kurukshetra School Complete Exam Details
Prepare For Gurukul Kurukshetra School (Making Officers Building Nation)
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Vision Statement
"Build on Indian ethos and scientific temperament to prepare global leaders from this iconic learning center of the Country."
Mission Statement
Founded in 1912 by Swami Shardhanand Ji with grand vision of inculcating Indian ethos and scientific temperament in the young minds, Gurukul Kurukshetra has been on mission mode ever since its inception to provide public school education from its sprawling 40 Acres campus to create safe, secure, happy and stimulating learning environment to instill honor, respect and compassion in each student and prepare him for success throughout his life.
Exam Notification
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Form Last Date- 10 March 2025
The last date for filling the Entrance Examination form without late fee is March 10, 2025.
With late Fee (1000) will be 19 March, 2025 (5th to 9th and 11th classes).
Exam Date For Class VI - 20 March 2025 (Venue : Gurukul Jyotisar)
Exam Date For Class V - 24 March 2025 (Venue : Gurukul Jyotisar)
Exam Date For Class VII - 22 March 2025(Venue : Gurukul Jyotisar)
Exam Date For Class VIII - 21 March 2025 (Venue : Gurukul Jyotisar)
Exam Date For Class IX & XI - 17 March 2024 (Venue : Gurukul Kurukshetra)
Note: Check your 'Entrance Test Result' on the next
day of Entrance Examination in the morning
on the Gurukul's Website.
Entrance Test Reporting Time - 8 : 30 A.M.
Exam Time-10:00 Am to 11:30 AM
Counselling Timing - 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Important Documents
- Students Birth Certificate
- Students Signature
- Students Adhar Card
- Parents Adhar Card
Fee Structure
Education in Gurukul is free of cost. Parents have to pay only for those things which their wards use for their personal use like meal, electricity, milk, books, canteen etc. These expenses are of two types:
- i. Annual Charges
- ii. Quarterly Charges
Annual charges have to be paid only in the beginning of the session. Quarterly mess charges are generally charged in the months of April, July, October and Jaunary. Quarterly charges are to be paid only through a crosses demand draft drawn in favour of Principal, Gurukul Kurukshetra. Online fee can also be remitted payable to Principal, Gurukul Kurukshetra.
Fill Gurukul Kurukshetra School Application Form Online
Exam Pattern
- Grade V to Grade IX :
Maths - 25
English - 25
Science - 25
Social - 15
Hindi - 10
- (Topics in each subject will vary for each grade).
- Grade XI
- Non-Medical: English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
- Medical: English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
- Commerce: English, Social Studies, Mathematics
Instrucions for Filling of Gurukul Kurukshetra Online Application Form:
- Applicants are strictly advised to correctly mention all the particulars (i.e. Name of Candidate, DOB, Aadhar Number, ParentsтАЩ Name and Name of Previous Attended School) in the Entrance Examination Form as no change in details shall be entertained once the student has got admission in school please exercise due care while filling the form.
- No change in particulars will be accepted by the Computer System once the form has been submitted. Therefore, check all particulars before clicking submission button. If you have committed any mistake while filling the form and want to amend then fill the new Entrance Examination Form.
- Upload the student's latest colored photograph, signature and Aadhar card at the prescribed place on the Entrance Examination Form.
- In the Entrance Examination Form write only that class in which admission is to be taken.
- It is very important to write faculty for admission in class 11th. i.e. (Medical, Non-Medical and Commerce Faculty) there will be no change in it later on.
- Admission will be considered confirmed only after depositing the admission fee of тВ╣ 25000 on the day of counselling. If the amount is not deposited, the admission of the student will be cancelled. This amount will not be refunded even after cancellation of admission.
- Parents/Guardians should deposit the fees online.
- The manual of Gurukul Kurukshetra can be downloaded from the website of Gurukul Kurukshetra (
- The last date for filling the Entrance Examination Form without late fee is March 10, 2023. With late fee (тВ╣ 1000) will be March 18 (5, 6, 7 and class 8), March 24 (9 and class 11) 2023.
- Students must reach concerned Gurukul by 09:00 am on the day of entrance examination.
- The entrance test for all classes will be descriptive.
- On getting admission in Gurukul, only last attended the School Leaving Certificate of the school will be accepted.
- If the student gives wrong information in the form, his admission will be cancelled.
- In Gurukul Jyotisar and Gurukul Nilokheri, admission will also be given through this entrance test against the vacant seats in class 5th to class 9th and class 11th. Students desirous of taking admission in Gurukul Jyotisar and Gurukul Nilokheri should mark the option of these Gurukuls and go to the website of these Gurukuls and read the fee details, terms and conditions carefully.
- In the series of Gurukul, a new residential campus named Aryakulam Nilokheri has been developed this year at Nilokheri (Karnal). In this campus, for the session 2023-24, 400 students from class 5th to 8th will be admitted through this entrance test. Those students of class 5th to 8th who want to opt this campus also please mark the option of Aryakulam Nilokheri in the application form.
- The list of students who have passed the written entrance test will be uploaded on the website of Gurukul Kurukshetra in the morning on the next day of the examination.
- The students selected in the entrance test must bring the Admit Card along with them at the time of counselling on the next day.
- If offline entrance test is not possible on the given dates due to any unforeseen reason or government instructions, then the entrance test will be conducted online, the prior information of which will be given to you well in advance in March on your registered mobile number. In case of online entrance test, counseling will also be done online.
- Last date of submission of online application form for Admission without late fee. 10 March 2023
Last date of submission of online application form for Admission (with late fee тВ╣1000).
Class 5th |
14 March 2024 |
Class 6th |
14 March 2024 |
Class 7th |
14 March 2024 |
Class 8th |
14 March 2024 |
Class 9th |
14 March 2024 |
Class 11th |
14 March 2024 |
- After applying online, your registration number and password will be generated. You can login to Gurukul Kurukshetra website using your registration number and password for completion of your application form. You should keep registration number and password with you for further processing of online application form like taking print out of confirmation page and downloading of admit card for examination etc.
- Instructions for Online Fee payment and Fee Confirmation:
Special Note: Please use latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox 17.0+ and Window 7 and above operating systems to fill the online Application form and fee payment. Also use the Broadband or 4G internet connection to avoid fee payment failure:
The fee payment is only through online mode and you can pay fee using any type of debit/credit card and online banking mode.
- While paying online fee, you will be redirected to online payment Gateway of Bank. Before proceeding next, please ensure all your details and check fee amount and other details.
Admission is subject to the availability of vacant seat
in each class. Without Late Fee Online Application
th Form is to be filled up to 10 March 2024. All students
qualifying written test will mark their physical
presence in school office till 9.00 a.m. for physical,
intellectual and psychological observation as per
given schedule.
Entrance Test Reporting Time |
9:00 A.M. |
Counselling Timing |
9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. |
Note: Check your 'Entrance Test Result' on the next
day of Entrance Examination in the morning
on the Gurukul's Website.
1. There will be no new admission to X and XII
2. Candidates seeking admission to XI nonmedical, medical must have obtained minimum
60% marks in Maths, Science and English in
th 10 class.
3. For admission to XI Commerce a student must
have minimum 55% in aggregate in 10th class.
4. Only those students can opt Maths in XI
Commerce who have secured 80% or more
marks in the concerned subject in matric.
For the class in which admission is
sought, prepare the
syllabus of its previous class
1. Last date for the submission of online
th application form for admission upto 10 March
2. New students must deposit their annual and
quarterly charges within 5 days of their
admission and should mark their presence in
school hostel as early as possible.
3. Admission of a student who does not abide by
the given instructions may be cancelled.
1. Keeping in view the large number of the
students seeking admission to Gurukul,
admission is made purely on merit basis in
entrance exam.
2. Students must be medically and physically fit.
3. Eligibility of all students will be checked from
every aspect of their capabilities. It is
compulsory for all students to reside in Gurukul
hostel during their studies under the strict and
parental guidance of the Chief-Warden
accompanied by other wardens.
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