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Aligarh University School Complete Exam Details

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The university grew out of the work of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the great Muslim reformer and statesman, who in the aftermath of the Indian War of Independence of 1857 felt that it was important for Muslims to gain education and become involved in the public life and government services in India. Raja Jai Kishan helped Sir Syed in establishing the university.

Exam Notification 2024-25

AMU Entrance Exam 2024-25 For Class 11th

Form Last Date
Without late fee - 11 March 2024
With Late Fees of Rs.300/- 18 March 2024

Age Critaria And Exam Dates 2024-25

Class Age Duration Form Fees Late Fees
Class 1 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2019 2 hours Rs. 650/- Rs. 950/-
Class 6 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2014 2 hours Rs. 700/- Rs. 1000/-
Class 9 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2011 2 hours Rs. 750/- Rs. 1050/-


Click here To read the Important Instructions and Rules pertaining to admission for the session 2024-25

Aligarh University School Admission for Class I, VI & IX

Aligarh Muslim University is one of the oldest premier Central Universities of India with a unique and rich culture of its own. The University has its origin in a school founded in 1875 by the great educationist, social reformer and visionary Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

In tune with the ideals of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and with the aim to educationally uplift a larger section of the community, Aligarh Muslim University maintains a number of Schools as follows:

  1. Syedna Tahir Saifuddin (STS) School (Minto Circle)
  2. Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh(RMPS) AMU City School
  3. AMU City School
  4. AMU Girls School
  5. Ahmadi School for Visually Challenged
  6. AMU Abdul Baseer Khan (ABK) High Schoo
  7. AMU City Girls High School
  8. Abdullah School
  9. Sayyid Hamid Senior Secondary School (Boys)
  10. Senior Secondary School (Girls).

Fill Aligarh University Application Form Online

All Schools maintained by the University were established with the aim for imparting education to the backward community in general and the Muslim Community in particular. Admission, however, is open to children of all communities without distinction of caste, creed and religion.

These schools generally follow the C.B.S.E. / N.C.E.R.T. curriculum. Due attention is paid to the overall personality development of the students and they are encouraged to excel not only in academics, but also in sports and extra-curricular activities. The Schools celebrate all National festivals and missions to inculcate sprit of patriotism among its students.

Sayyid Hamid Senior Secondary School (Boys), S.T.S. School and AMU City School admit only male candidates while Senior Secondary School (Girls) and AMU Girls’ School offer admission to female candidates only. AMU City Girls’ High School (Qazi Para) offers admission to both boys and girls in class I and only to girls in class VI. AMU ABK High School offers admission to both boys and girls. Visually impaired boys and girls can seek admission in Ahmadi School for the Visually Challenged. Abdullah School is a co-educational School admitting both boys and girls.


Fee charged for various classes up to Class X in the Schoolsis as follows:

Class Annual Amount of Fee(Rs.) Fee per installment (Rs.)
I-VIII(Boys) 4920.00 1230.00
IX-X(Boys) 7320.00 1830.00
I-X(Girls) 4920.00 1230.00

Note: ď‚· The fee shall be charged in four equal installments.
ď‚· The Fee as specified above may be revised by the University from time to time and notified
accordingly. ď‚· Hostel and Food Charges are extra, wherever applicable.
ď‚· An admission fee of Rs.100.00 is chargeable at the time of admission.
ď‚· An additional amount of Rs.200.00 per annum is chargeable towards Students Benevolent Fund.


The Admission Charges/Fee payable for the concerned class of study along with the following Original Documents are required at the time of completion of admission:

  1. Aadhar Card / Passport / PAN Card / Bank Passbook with photo ID / Student Photo ldentity Card issued by the School last attended of the candidate (with TWO Self attested photocopies)
  2. TEN (2.5 x 3.0 cms) recent front facing colour photographs (in white background).
  3. Documents in support of Special Categories claimed in Application Form
  4. Birth Certificate issued under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act by Municipality /Municipal Corporation only (with TWO Self attested photocopies)
  5. Transfer Certificate from the Institution last attended (with TWO Self attested photocopies - applicable for admission to Class VI & IX)
  6. Marks sheet / grade sheet of qualifying examination (with FOUR Self attested photocopies - applicable for admission to Class VI & IX)
  7. Aadhar Card / Passport / Voters ID / PAN Card / Driving License / Bank Passbook with photo ID/ Arms License/ Service Photo Identity Card issued by State/Central Government of both the parents (with TWO Self attested photocopies)


For any assistance, the candidates may contact:
Admission Section, Office of the Controller of Examinations
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh -202002
Telephone: +91-571-2700935 (during Office Hours only)


Admissions are open to visually challenged boys and girls of the age group of six to nine years in Sensory Development class (SD). Candidates with earlier Schooling can also be considered for admission up to class ninth on the recommendation of screening committee of the School. Eligible candidates can apply for admission on the prescribed form with the following documents:

  1. Medical Certificate of Blindness issued by the Chief Medical Officer
  2. Five passport size photographs
  3. Date of Birth Certificate issued by the competent authority.
  4. Transfer Certificate in case of earlier Schooling at the time of admission.
  5. Income Certificate of the parents.
  6. Address proof (Copy of Ration Card/ Driving License/ Copy of Passport/ Aadhar Card /Voter ID Card/ Bank Passbook/ Employment ID Card)
  7. Photograph of candidate with parents
  8. Any other relevant document.

Note: Application Form for admission to Ahmadi School for the Visually Challenged can be obtained from the School/ downloaded from the website Last date of receipt of Application Form is May 01, 2024


The eligible candidates should carry all relevant documents with him/her and report along with his parents/guardians to appear in a Screening cum medical test as per the following schedule:

Ahmadi School for the Visually Challenged

Admissions will be offered based on the merit of the above Test subject to the candidate fulfilling the eligibility conditions for the Class as detailed in the Guide to Admission at the time of admission.


Hostel facilities are only available for students admitted to Class VI in S.T.S. School and for students admitted to Class IX in S.T.S. SchoolandAMU Girls School and also for students admitted to Ahmadi School for the Visually Challenged.

It is important to note that in view of the limited hostel accommodation, the candidates should clearly understand that the grant of admission to the above mentioned Schools would not ensure allotment of hostel accommodation. Accommodation to students will be provided as per the policy / rules laid down by the Schools, subject to the availability of seats in the hostel.


The prescribed Application Formand the Guide to Admission(Schools) is available on the following website:
The application Form is to be filled only in the ONLINE mode, i.e. the candidates have to fill the Application Form directly on the website and make online payment.
(a)Before filling up the Application Form, candidates are required to read carefully the instructions given atevery step as available in the online portal.
(b)Candidates must ensure that their payment is successful and is reflected as successful on the candidate’s application dashboard. If the amount is deducted from the candidate’s accountbut is not reflected on candidate’s application dashboard, itwill not be considered as successful submission of application.
(c)Details of Admission Test Fee / Processing Charges: Details about the processing charges is available on the relevant pages in this guide, Only Online payment mode is available for depositing the processing charges. The online payment detail will automatically be posted in the respective column of the Application form. The Physically Challenged candidates having minimum 40% disability are exempted from the Processing Charges / Test Fee, however the candidates will have to produce relevant document in support of their claim else their candidature is likely to be rejected at any time.


Registering as a new user:
1.Register online and provide your correct and functional email because your username and password etc.will be sent on this email.
2.Please note every candidate will registerseparatelyand will get his/her username and password to access his/her Dashboard for filling as well as tracking the form(s).
3.OnlySingle Registrationis sufficient by a candidate for applying to a class both under General Category as well as under Children of NRI category. A candidate who has already submitted the Application Form under General category and wishes to apply under Children of NRI category shall use the same registration (i.e. same username and password) for filling up and submitting the Application Formseparately under Children of NRI category.

Special categories claimed by the candidate

1.Eligible candidate may select any applicable special category if he/she wishes to be considered for admission/nomination under that category.
2.Follow the step-wise instruction as they appear in the selection of categories up toa maximum of 3 categories per application form.
3.Candidate will have no right to be considered for admission/nomination under a special category if the same is not claimed in the Application Form.
4.It is mandatory to select "NO" if the candidate does not belong to any Special Category.
5.It is to be noted that all such candidates will be required to produce necessary documentary proof in support of special categories claimed if offered admission.

S.No. Applicable Special Categories
1 Child of AMU Alumni Specify the category/categories under which thecandidate wishes to be considered for nomination
2 Child of AMU Employee
3 Physically Challenged

Documents to be uploaded by the candidate:

1.Scanned copy of date of birth certificate of the candidate issued from Municipal Corporation / competent authority / school last attended / copy of Passport.
2.Scanned copy of Marks-sheet / grade-sheet of qualifying examination, if applicable.
3.Scanned copy of documents in support of claim under special category, if any.
Note: It is to be ensured that all documents should be uploaded in JPG/JPEG format only and their individual size should lie between 200KB to 2MB.

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