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Oak Grove School Complete Exam Details

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Admission Notification 2025-26 Click Here...

OAK Grove Our Mission

As part of the wide spectrum of welfare activities of Indian Railways, Oak Grove School aims at providing quality, modern education - as obtainable in English Medium Public Schools - to the wards of railway employees at a highly affordable cost. The school has successfully adapted to the changing times and lays great emphasis on imbibing the values of Indian culture amongst students. The school aims at achieving the highest standard of excellence in academics, sports and co-curricular activities, as found in the best Public Schools so as to turn out men and women of quality who would do the Railways and society at large, proud of them. Limited seats (25%) are also offered to those not working in the railway system.

Our Vision

We are committed to continous improvement in learning environment that enhances values, Self-Esteem, Responsibility and Accountabiity in Partnership with Parents.

Oak Grove School was the product of coming together of three of the greatest gifts of Nineteenth century - Indian Railways, Hill Station and Public School Culture -all blending harmoniously in this institution. The first Railway hill school was started in 1870s by SP&D Railway later known as North Western Railway at a Bungalow called FAIRLAWN close to the land where Oak Grove is presently situated. It was part of the 'Rajah's Palace' which belonged to the Royal family of Nepal. The ruins of the Palace are still present and part of the estate has been developed for residential purpose.

Oak Grove school was started in 1888 by East India Railway Company with an endowment fund of Rs 2 lac on the recommendations of the School Committee. In the 19th century Companies and Industrial concerns were mainly driven by profit motive and rarely invested in areas of social concern like Educational institutions, which was mainly left to Religious and Philanthropic Institutions. It was therefore quite creditable on the part of EIR to start an institution like Oak Grove, way back in the 1880's.

The proposal soon took concrete shape and the school started functioning from 1st of June 1888. The Fairlawn school was merged to Oak Grove in 1894 as it could not survive the birth pangs like shortage of staff and accommodation.

The first School building, the present Boys school was designed by Mr. R. Roskell Bayne , the Company's Chief Architect and built under the supervision of Mr. W. Drysdale the Company's Engineer. Earliest recorded history of the school mentions the arrival of Matron and Sergant Mrs. and Mr. Green on 9th May 1988 as the first official of the school followed by Head teachers Mrs. and Mr. A. C. Chapman on 19th May, who steered the school through its initial teething problems and set it on the path of stable growth over the period of 24 years, which they spent here.

Exam Notification


Date of form:- 23-09-2024 to 30-11-2024

Exam Date:- 19 Jan.2025(Sunday)

Mode of Application :

ONLINE  (To be filled and submitted through school's website i.e.

Age Eligibility :

The minimum and maximum age of the child should be as per the table below:

CLASS Minimum Age Maximum Age
III 7 Years 9 Years
VI 10 Years 12 Years

Note: Candidate born on 1st of April in the relevant year, may, also be considered.

Application Fees:

Form Fee:- 1500/- (One Thousand Five Hundred Only) from 23-09-2024 to 30-11-2024

With Late Fee of Rs. 1000/- 2500/- (Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) from 01-12-2024 to 10-12-2024

Date of Entrance Exam/Written Test:

Exam Date:- 19 Jan 2025(Sunday)-Tentative

Entrance Exam/Written Test:

Entrance Exam can be either online or offline. The Examination Center will be in Dehradun

Issue of Admit Card:

Entrance Exam Admit Cards will NOT be sent by email or post.The same will have to be downloaded from the school website by the applicants themselves. The same shall be made available two weeks prior to the scheduled date of examination.

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Date of Viva Activity Test(only for candidates who qualifity the written entrance exam)

Will be notified later on along-with the result of written exam.

Annual Fees Structure:

Wards of Railway Employees:Rs.70,000.00 per year

Wards of Non-Railway Persons:Rs.1,80,000.00 per year

1. For the detailed information regarding fee structure, caution money and related rules, please visit the school website. School fee is subject to change for Academic Session 2025-26.

2. Fees is most likely to be revised upward for academic session 2025-2026 onward @30% or higher

Facilities Provided:

Hostel, Mess, Stationery, Text Books, Primary Health & Medical Care,Smart Classes, Internet, SPACS, Indoor and Outdoor Sports, Gym etc

Documents required for ONLINE application form:

Sr. No. Requirement File Format File Size Dimensions
1 Photograph of Candidate .JPG/.JPEG 4KB to 30KB 3.5cm x 4.5cm
2 Signature of Candidate .JPG/.JPEG 1KB to 20KB 3.5cm x 1.5cm
3 Signature of the Father/Mother/Legal Guardian .JPG/.JPEG 1KB to 20KB 3.5cm x 1.5cm

Note: Photograph must be recent colored passport size taken against a light, preferably white background. Face should be straight. Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover the face. .

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How to Fill and submit Online Application Form (Stepwise details):

The `ONLINE' application module will open from 23-09-2024. Before starting flling up the ONLINE application form, the scanned images of documents with required specification as mentioned in Sr. 10 above should be kept ready for uploading in the required fields. Now log on to the school's website and select the Tab 'Admissions' and proceed as follows:

(A) PART-I Application Form

1. Select 'Part-I Application Form' in the drop-down menu under the tab 'Admissions'

2. In the coming window, you will be prompted to select the Class in which admission is sOught and date of birth of your child. If the date of birth meets the required age eligibility criteria, the window containing the Application Form will open which is required to be filled in real time and can't be saved for entries at any future time

3. Fill up all the details therein carefully without using any special characters which are given on top of the Application form. Also, attach the required documents as specified at Sr. No. 10.

4. Submit the form and carefully note down the generated 'Application Number.

(B) PART-II Make Payment

1. Select 'Part-II Make Payment' in the drop-down menu under the tab 'Admissions'. You will be redirected to home page of State Bank of India's website whereby a window will open showing the payment terms of SBI. Please accept the payment terms by checking the dialogue box (Tick) and click Proceed button.

2. In the next window, select the State and Type of Corporate/Institution as Uttarakhand and Educational Institutions respectively and click Submit button.

3. In the next window, select 'PRINCIPAL OGS SCHOOL FEES for Educational Institutions Name and click Submit button.

4. Select Payment Category out of the available options in the next window as "Application Fee (New Admission)". This will open the payment window. You need to fill up the required details therein and then click Submit button

5. You will be prompted to confirm the details provided by you in the next window. If all the details are correct, press Confirm and proceed for payment.

6. Select the payment mode of your choice out of the modes available in the next window and make payment.

7. arefuly note down the SBCollect Reference Number generated after the payment. Please ensure that the payment has been successful. In case, the payment status is shown as pending at the time of payment, please check with your bank that the payment has been actually made

(C) Part-III Enter Payment Details

If the payment is successful, Enter the details of the Fee Payment you have remitted by using the drop-down menu 'Part-III Enter Payment Details' under the tab "Admissions'. After filling the details, click 'SUBMIT'. The application stands finally submitted now.

The status of your application can be checked by using the drop-down menu 'Check Application Status' under the tab 'Admissions'. Entrance Exam Admit Card will be available under the drop-down menu 'Download Entrance Exam Admit Card' under the tab 'Admission which shall be made available at-leasst two weeks before the scheduled date of examination.

Please note that Entrance Exam Admit Cards will not be sent by post but will have to be downloaded from school's website by candidates themselves

Important Details

1. Subjects for which Admission Test will held is mentioned below.
Class III: English, Maths, Social Science and General Knowledge.
Class VI: English, Maths, Social Science, Science and General Knowledge.

2. The questions asked will be of objective as well as subjective in nature.

3. Photograph must be recent coloured passport size taken against a light, preferably white background. Face should be straight. Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable.Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover the face.

4. The candidates who qualify the Written Entrance Examination should keep the following documents ready so as to submit the same as and when asked by the school administration:
a. Copy of Certificate of Date of Birth of the Candidate issued by Registrar (Birth & Death).
b. Copy of Aadhar Number Card of the Candidate. Please note that Aadhar Number is a must for every candidate. Admission to the candidates will be denied if they fail to submit the copy of Aadhar Card.
c. Documentary Proof in support of SC/ST/OBC candidates only.
d. Certificate from the present school certifying date of birth, character and class in which the ward is studying.
e. Railway Employee certificate issued by Controlling Officer or Sr. DPO in case father or mother is a Railway Servant.
f. Transter Certificate from the last school attended is to be submitted at the time of the admission.
g. All the guidelines and instructiohs isSued by CBSE With respect to admissions in boarding schools will be adhered to.

5. For further detailed information regarding admission, withdrawal, discipline rules, submission of school fees etc., may please refer our school website i.e.Www.oakgroveiharipani. in under tab "Student Corne" and under tab "Admission" Information Brochure. Please read all the details on our school website minutely for better appreciation of rules and regulations.

6.For any assistance/query, parents are requested to contact school's office between 10.00 a.m. to 05.30 p.m. at 0135-2630200 during any working day or email at

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Form last date: 23-09-2024 to 0-12-2024
Exam date:
For Class III: 19 January 2025
For Class IV:30 January 2024
For Class V:30 January 2024
For Class VI:19 January 2025
For Class VII:30 January 2024
For Class VIII:30 January 2024
For Class IX:30 January 2024

You can change any of the details that was earlier filled in the exam from through the Correction Window at during the limited period. You can also upload the correct document/s through the correction window, in case there was an error in the documents you had earlier uploaded. No correction can be carried out either through email or fax or letter. Please read the Information Bulletin and check the website for updates.
Extra payment, if any, made by you will be refunded to you, soon after the closure of the correction window, after fee reconciliation. In case you do not receive the refund as stated above, you may write to us at stating your application number, name, transaction reference number, date of the transaction, name of the bank/payment gateway through which payment was made.


The admit card will be uploaded on website as per the announcement on website. Candidates need to check the admit card carefully for all particulars e.g. Roll No. Name, Medium, Date of Birth, Gender, Examination City/Centre, Date and time of the exam, Category, etc
Admit Card contains a Declaration cum Undertaking regarding COVID 19. You are required to affix your photograph and left hand thumb impression at the foot of the Declaration/Undertaking and also get the signature of your parent affixed at the space provided, before reaching the centre. You will be required to sign on the admit card in the presence of the Invigilator at the exam centre and also submit the same to the Invigilator after the exam.
    You are permitted to carry, only the following items to the test centre:
  • Pen (Black/Blue)
  • Personal transparent water bottle (500 ml)
  • Admit Card along with Self-Declaration (Undertaking) duly filled in and photo affixed.
  • Valid ID cards


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