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Director's Message

Schools nowadays are not mean just to accomplish data and information, rather are stages for coordinated effort of musings and thoughts. A school pamphlet is a discussion that offers expression to the thoughts of understudies, instructors and features the accomplishments and achievements secured by the foundation.

Life represents various difficulties and the objective of training is to push one to effectively overcome through the difficult situations of battle, difficulty and obstacles. The quality of character created right now useful for the remainder of life. An understudy is made to bloom mentally, tastefully, ethically and profoundly.

My congrats to the understudies who have permitted themselves to be formed ethically particularly when they face the challenge of a world in strife, with so much savagery, separation and misuse.

I importune the Almighty to shower His blessing in plenty upon the staff and understudies of the school in their efforts.

Dr. Rajat Gupta NIT KUK
Director (CDS)