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School Rules & Regulations


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Residential School Rules and Regulations(For Boarders) Session 2024-25

All boarders are expected to abide by the following rules and regulations of the school:

  • Students should be disciplined, decent and decorous at all times.
  • They shall practice good manners and cultured behaviour at all times and in all places.
  • They will have to dress neatly wearing only the prescribed uniforms while attending school, during game periods and at organized activities.
  • They should greet their friends, classmates and members of the staff respectfully.
  • While attending the school/ public functions, students should conduct themselves in a way which brings credit to the institution.
  • When the National Anthem is being played at any meeting or function, students are expected to stand in attention.
  • Students are forbidden from participating in any political activities.
  • In matters related to giving punishment for violating any of the rules of the school, the decision of the Principal/Management will be final.
  • No student should enter/leave the classroom without the consent of the teacher.
  • Students are prohibited from damaging the school building, furniture or equipment in any way whatsoever. The cost, if any, for the damages caused will be recovered from the student, or collectively from the entire class, if the responsibility for the act cannot be put on any one individual or a group of individuals.
  • Students should cover the textbooks with a brown cover and neatly label them. All other articles should bear the owner's name.
  • Students are expected to use only gel-based pens. Ball point pens are not allowed in the school.
  • Students are responsible for maintaining cleanliness within the school premises and its surroundings.
  • The school will not be held responsible for the loss of any article or money.
  • Students should not lend, borrow or exchange money or other personal articles.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the school. Students are allotted rooms/dormitories according to their age and class.
  • Facilities for sports and games are available to the boarders for all-round growth.
  • Recreational facilities like Indoor games, Television and Newspapers are provided to the boarders.
  • Boarders must bring clothing and other essential things as per the list provided by the school.
  • The clothes should be labelled and listed and one copy should be given to the resident matron.
  • They should always be punctual and maintain strict discipline.
  • They should not waste water and electricity.Windows Ink Workspace
  • Boarders are not allowed to keep any money, valuables, electronic gadgets or mobile phones etc. with them.
  • All purchases by the boarders must be done through the school authorities or parents and guardians.
  • In case, any parent sends food articles to any boarder, it will be confiscated/distributed among other boarders. They will not be permitted to keep eatables inside the room.
  • Parents are not allowed to meet their wards during the weekdays. Parents can visit their wards only on PTM days as mentioned in the school year calendar.
  • Students are expected to use the study time profitably and strict silence has to be maintained in the study hall.
  • Fancy belts, rings, trinkets, make-up sets, nail polish, and hair colours will be confiscated if brought to school.
  • Only black hair clips, hair bands or sky-blue ribbons are allowed for girls. Those with long hair should be pleated in two and fancy pleating is totally prohibited even on Sunday. Fancy haircuts or colouring of hair is prohibited. Defaulters will be heavily fined i.e.,500/ day.
  • Boys are expected to have a short haircut; they are not allowed to have pigtails or any kind of disorderly hair- style and should be totally clean shaved whereas Sikh boys can have a simple beard and non-curly moustaches otherwise they will be heavily fined i.e.500/ day.
  • Sandals are strictly NOT allowed. BATA / HAWAII slippers must be brought to be worn in the boarding. Shoes prescribed by the school have to be used. No other fancy shoes are to be brought.
  • Boarders must have to wear the sports uniform provided by the school for games.
  • In case of sickness, it should be reported to the dorm-in-charge and to the resident nurse for appropriate action.
  • All incidental expenses of the boarders will be recovered from their accounts.
  • Boarders are not permitted to visit or stay in other rooms after 09.00 a.m.
  • Boarders have to pay all dues towards the school, before leaving the boarding.
  • Any damage caused to the school property will be recovered along with a fine.
  • Any boarder leaving the school in the middle of the academic year has to pay the boarding fee for the entire year.
  • Boarding rules have to be strictly followed by all boarders.
  • Continuation as a boarder will be based on academic performance, behaviour and turnout.
  • Students are normally not allowed to leave the school during the term, except in a very special case.
  • Students may be granted leave up to a maximum period of three days, in case of an emergency and this can be availed only once a year.
  • Leave may be granted for special medical treatment if necessary.
  • A written request from the parent should be sent directly to the Principal for availing leave.
  • Prescription and Medical Bills are to be submitted after a long absence. The Doctor's certificate only, will not be taken into consideration.
  • The students should be picked up and brought back strictly on the dates and times given to them. A fine of 500/- per day will be levied if the student does not report on time.
  • The boarders will not be sent with any other person unless he/she brings a letter of authorization from the parent.
  • Boarders are not allowed to go out of the campus without the authorization of the Principal.
  • While leaving the school campus, they must wear the exact uniform given by the school.
  • Boarders are not allowed to stay alone or with friends while they are on an outing.
  • Girls of any class will NOT be allowed to leave school with any other individual apart from their parents.
  • In case of drop and pick up is required by the boarders, parents are to inform the Principal in writing, well in advance. The cost of the same will be recovered from their recoverable account.
  • Students are expected to adhere to the timings for prep, meals, outings etc. at all times.
  • Ragging or harassing of any sort is strictly prohibited on campus.
  • Smoking, sniffing glue, usage of alcoholic drinks and any other narcotic substance is strictly prohibited on the campus.
  • Students are expected to keep their rooms and their environs neat and tidy.
  • Students are not allowed to change the position of furniture and equipment in the school and dorms without the permission of the dorm parent.
  • Clothes for washing are to be placed on the step in front of the dorm on specified days, not later than 8 a.m.
  • The movement of students is restricted to their respective dorms. Students found in unauthorized areas will be questioned and appropriate action will be taken.
  • Students are not allowed to visit the dorm, during school hours for any purpose.
  • No student will be allowed to enter the classrooms, library or staff room after school hours.
  • Students are requested not to use glue or tape to stick posters etc. on walls, cupboards etc.
  • Students must deposit their money with the dorm parent who will maintain a proper account of the same. Money found with students will be termed as black money and its possession will be treated seriously.
  • Students are requested to inform the dorm parents at the earliest about the non-functioning of any school- owned equipment/gadget. The students should not attempt to repair any school-owned equipment/gadget on their own.
  • Students are requested to be in constant touch with their respective dorm parents. They need to follow the instructions of the dorm parents at all times.
  • Students are advised to keep one decent casual dress for birthday-like occasions in the school. Hipster-style trousers and skirts if brought will be returned by the school immediately.
  • Girls should refrain totally from applying 'Heena' on hands and feet, as defaulters will be penalized with a heavy fine of 1000 and have to continue 500/day till it disappears.
  • Any alteration of school dress by students/ parents, shall be liable to confiscate and imposition of a 1000/- fine with a warning letter.
  • Boarders are expected to write one letter in a fortnight to their parents. This improves "Vocabulary Skills" and expression, which, builds confidence in the child.

Residential School Rules and Regulations (Session 2024-25) Suggestions for Parents

  • Parents must bring their ward to the hostel one day prior to the re-opening day, after 9 a.m. and before 3 p.m. after terminal holidays, festival holidays and outings.
  • No student shall be permitted to the school on the day of re-opening and also during class hours. Permission should be sought in advance in case of any late reporting.
  • Parents should stitch the Boarding Number label on all the clothes in the ward.
  • Parents desirous to nominate local guardians, should submit to the school office an authorization letter nominating the local guardian (Not more than two members) with their specimen signature and photo affixed on the letter.
  • Parents willing to meet or take their ward home on Special Occasions should get written permission from the Principal in advance. Permission will not be granted over the telephone.
  • Parents/guardians are permitted to visit their ward on all second Saturdays. If any examination or school function or Inter House Activity falls around the second Saturday, the children will not be permitted to go home.
  • As the students take at least a month's time to get accustomed to the hostel situation/environment, no parent/guardian is permitted to visit the child on the second Saturday of the first and second month (i.e. admission month for new admission). Hence you are requested to bear with the initial disturbances and allow the management and our student counsellor to convince the children, to continue their stay and study in the school.
  • Persons authorized by parents (in writing) only will be allowed to meet or take the students during holidays. Students are not allowed to go home alone without their parent's written permission. No phone message will be accepted in this regard.
  • Parents/Guardians are permitted to visit only their ward and not his / her friends. Only limited visitors are allowed. Similarly, they are not permitted to visit their ward during school hours.
  • In case of emergency, permission should be sought from the Principal to meet the student during school hours.
  • The student can be allowed to make a phone call to parents after 15 days time (old students), and new students will be allowed to make phone calls after 30 days of joining the school and on Birthday Day (Both old & new) after 2:00 pm. The administrative office people shall see that the duration of a phone call does not exceed more than ten minutes. Mobile phones will not be allowed in school. If found in possession it will be dealt with seriously even if this may lead to expulsion.
  • Parents who have an e-mail facility either at home or office are requested to inform their e-mail address, so that it may be easy for us to contact them. An E-mail facility is also available in the school office. Parents intending to use the same may please make use of the following E-Mail id: (Ambala) (Patiala)
  • All communication with the school should be made only through the Principal. Parents cannot have direct contact with the teachers/wardens except through the Principal. They are also requested not to visit the teachers/wardens in their residence and not to contact them over the telephone.
  • Parents are earnestly requested to meet all the teachers/wardens during the Parents - Teachers' contact session. Parents will not be permitted to meet their ward on any other day and time.
  • The progress of the ward is based on the overall performance of the students and not on the studies alone.
  • A cumulative record is maintained in the school for each student. Parents are requested to ask for the cumulative record of the ward, from the class teacher and acknowledge the entry.
  • Arrangements will be made to book the Air and Railway tickets for the students during vacation, on the written request of parents, along with the fare paid, well in advance. The school will make arrangements to drop off and receive the students from the Airport and Railway Station on request from parents. The date and Timings should be clearly mentioned. A nominal amount will be charged as a conveyance from each student depending upon the distance and group Windows Ink Workspace
  • Please ensure and abide by the discipline and decorum of the school. Especially during out-pass day, every parent is earnestly requested to meet their ward's teachers and do access the overall performance of their ward. It is very much discouraging to note that parents are only keen on taking the ward out and have no interest towards academic performance. Parents' attention is very much wanted in this context. During the parent-teachers session makes it a point and adjusts your busy schedule at least to be available for a day.
  • No permission can be given by phone because there is no guarantee that the caller is the ward's parent. If in case you want any permission, it should be intimated early and the same should be recommended in advance through Mail. Extending holidays along with out-pass days cannot be allowed. And if you fail to report on the said day; a heavy fine of Rs.1000/- will be collected along with the explanation letter.
  • Sending a vehicle to pick up the wards should be avoided and we will not let any student go on his/her own because of security reasons. If the situation demands, advance permission can be in person. Time is precious and one should not waste others' time.
  • During out pass days, parents are coming very late at night or before 2:00 pm. and troubled the administration, for a favour by making violations of the rule. Such parents are advised to abide by the rules and cooperate with school authorities.
  • As the children spend their prime growing years at school, it is obvious their uniforms become redundant after a year. Parents should ensure that a new set of uniforms should be ordered every year, as the clothes wear out fast since they are worn almost throughout the year.
  • The children availing leave to attend marriages/ family functions, visit temples etc will not be encouraged by the school. This affects the academics of the children and the regular schedule of the school. Kindly avoid it and help your kids to maintain regularity and punctuality. Marks will be allotted according to the number of working days.
  • Parents are requested to kindly understand that it would take even two months for the children to settle down fully
  • Parents are requested to be quite prompt in the submission of school fee installments and dues and not to create botheration to administration by sending reminders and all. The final result will only be dispatched after the clearance of complete dues.


  • Ensure your child reports to the school in the time at the time of joining, after every vacation and after leave whenever granted.
  • Ensure your child reports to the school with proper kit, clothing and proper uniform.
  • Ensure timely payment of school fees and other dues.
  • Ensure your child does all her assigned vacation homework Assist her if need is felt.
  • To the extent possible talk to your child in English.
  • Try and install in your child moral value and respect for our rich heritage.
  • Teach her compassion and humaneness
  • Meet your child's teacher every time you are permitted to visit the school and check her progress made.
  • Closely watch your child's language. Ensure she uses refined and appropriate expressions.
  • Instill in your child a love for school and home properly
  • Tell your child that it is more honorable to fail than to cheat in exams.
  • Help your child develop in all responsibility. Encourage participate in various activities.
  • Inculcate in your child respect for teachers and our national symbols.
  • To discipline children, make them feel good about themselves.
  • Treat children with respect and they will learn by example to reciprocate.
  • Be calm and assertive when disciplining your child, especially in the per-teen years.
  • Kids need a clear set of rules to grow up.
  • Be an unauthoritative parent, not an authoritarian one.
  • Allow kids to express themselves. See life through their eyes.
  • Help your child accept failure along with success.
  • Make your child feel wanted


  • Don't encourage criticism of school and teachers by your child.
  • Don't talk ill of others in front of your child.
  • Don't encourage indulging in watching Television.
  • Don't play with emotion of your child.
  • Don't let your child into bad company and bad habits.
  • Don't give extra pocket money to your child.
  • Don't force your child into embarassing social situations. Explain to her your compulsion if any.
  • Don't treat your child as if it were an adult.
  • Don't undetermined your child's achievements.
  • Don't always discipline your child. May be we, as parents also need some discipline.
  • Don't undetermined your child's achievements.
  • Don't rebuke your child for lack of certain skills.
  • Don't punish your child for misbehaving or being self-absorbed.
  • Don't take your child's good conduct for granted.
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