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JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA Complete Exam Details

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Jamia Millia Islamia came into existence in'1920 through the tireless efforts of its founders, such as Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mahmud Hasan, Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad Ansari, Jenab Abdul Majeed Khwaja and Dr. Zakir Husain. It symbolizes the unflinching and resolute commitment of these great visionaries in bringing about socio-economic transformation of common masses, in general, and Muslims, in particular through the vehicle of education.

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Notice for admissions under sports category 2023-2024


CDS Counsellor

Jamia Millia Islamia invites application for Jamia School admission under sports category 2022 2023 from outstanding sports persons who have represented National/State/Regional level tournaments at Senior/Junior/Sub-Junior level in preceding three years subject to passing the qualifying examination.

Interested & eligible candidates may apply ON-LINE on JMI examinations website w.e.f. 16th May, 2022 to 30th June, 2022.

The admissions under sports category are limited to the following Classes/Schools/Games:

Classes: IX & XI (Arts/Commerce/ Science)
Schools : Jamia Sr. Sec. School
Syed Abid Husain Sr. Sec. School
Jamia Girls Sr. Sec. School
Games:: Football, Cricket, Hockey and Basketball

For any further clarification you may kindly refer to Jamia Schools Prospectus 2022-2023 or Phone No. 26981717, Extn. 1810, 1811.

Notice for admissions under sports category 2022-2023

Jamia Millia Islamia invites applications for admissions under sports category from the outstanding players who have represented Nation/State/Region/University in the game on the basis of which they are claiming admission.

The admissions under sports category 2022-23 shall be based upon either "paper selection" mode considering the highest marks obtained out of 3 uploaded merit/participation sports certificates OR sports Trials subject to the prevailing COVID-19 PENDAMIC restrictions/SOPs/Guidelines.

The admission are available for undergraduate/postgraduate programs in all faculties (as notified in JMI Prospectus 2022-23, page 34), except Faculties of Engineering & Technology, Architecture & Ekistics, Dentistry, Centre for Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences, AJK MCRC and in other programs as decided by the Academic Council from time to time.

Interested & Eligible candidates my apply ON-LINE on JMI examinations website w.e.f 16.05.2022 to 15.06.2022.

The admissions under sports category are limited to the following games:
Athletics, Boxing, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Shooting (Air Rifle, Air Pistol and Shot Gun), Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball and Wrestling.

The addmissions shall be considered based upon the team requirement/formation

Guidelines for Admission under Sports Category 2022-2023

Outstanding players:- (Clause 6.0, page 34, JMI prospectus 2022-2023). The procedure shall be adopted for the purpose of admission as per details given below or as may be decided from time to time by the Majlis-i-Talimi (Academic Council).

  1. Office of the Director, Game & Sports, shall be contacted for any admission related queries at Ph. 01-269857025/2698171 Ext. no. 1796/1797 and e-mail
  2. Candidates seeking admission under spots category must have represented Nation/State/Region/University in the game on the basis of which they are claiming admission.
  3. Certificates of Invitational/Memorial/Open/Prize money/league/Ranking tournaments will not be considered eligible for admission.
  4. Relaxation to the extent of 5% marks in aggregate or in the subject concerned, as the case may be, will be given to such candidates.
  5. Such candidates shall be considered for admission by the Shaikh-ul Jamia (Vice-Chancellor) over and above the seats allotted to each programs on the recommendation of the "Admission-cum-Trial committee".
  6. There shall be no such provision of admission for outstanding sports persons in any program in the Faculties of Engineering & Technology, Architecture and Ekistics, Dentistry, Center for Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences, AJK MCRC and in other programs as decided by the Academic Council from time to time.
  7. Candidates selected under Sports Category shall have to give self-attested undertaking or their conduct at the time of admission.
  8. All the original sports certificates shall be kept in the custody of office of the Games & Sports for at least one year. The office of the Director, Games & Sports shall get the certificates of at least 30% of the admitted candidates under Sports Category, verified from the issuing authority.
  9. Candidate should also register their preference of course for maximum of five courses in order of their preference. These admissions are considered PROVISIONAL.
  10. The applicant is required to upload self-attested copies of his/her best 03 merit/participation sports certificate.
  11. Sports certificates issued between 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2022 shall only be considered valid for admission under sports category for session 2022-2023
  12. Candidates seeking admission under sports category have to mention their respective playing position on the filled for team event.
  13. Admission under sports category is limited to the following games: Athletics, Boxing, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Shooting (Air Rifle, Air Pistol and Shot Gun), Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball and Wrestling.
  14. Sport Trials of sports are subject to the prevailing condition of COVID-19 pandemic.
  15. Admission under sports category shall be based upon sports trial under respective sports under which the candidates has applied for admission of such candidate shall be considered provisional.
  16. The admission on "Paper- Selection" mode shall administered based on highest marks course. Theses admissions are considered Provisional.
  17. Only the highest uploaded merit/participation sports certificates shall be considered for the final merit for "Paper-Selection" mode.

Jamia Millia Islamia Invites applications for FREE COACHING (with hostel Facility) for CIVIL SERVICES (Preliminary-cum-Main) - 2022-2023 for Minorities, SCS, STS and Women

Schedule for Civil Services (Preliminary-cum-Main)-2022-23 Coaching Programme

1. Online application live on 16th May 2022 (at
2. Last date for submission of the Application Form 15th June 2022
3. Written Test
General Studies (objective type only) Essays
2nd July 2022
10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
4. Result of written test (Tentative) 25th July 2022
5. Interview (Tentative) 01st-08th August 2022
6. Final Result (Tentative) 10th August 2022
7. Last date for completion of admission 16th August 2022
8. Registration for waiting list candidates 17th August 2022
9. Admission for waiting list candidates 19th August 2022
10. Classes ( Orientation ) 22 nd August 2022

  1. The Entrance Tests will be held at ten centres. The centres are Delhi, Srinagar, Jammu, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Lakhnow, Guwahati, Patna, Bengaluru and Malappuram(Kerala).
  2. The Written test would comprise general studies (objective type) on UPSC's model (in English/Hindi/Urdu) and Essay writing in English/Hindi/Urdu to test candidates' knowledge of general awareness, logical thinking, reasoning, and comprehension. The total duration of the test would be of three hours.
  3. There would be negative marking for objective type questions in the test. One third of the marks will be deducted for a wrong answer.
  4. The entrance test paper would be divided into two papers-Paper 01 and Paper 02. Paper 1 would consist of OMR based objective type questions. There would be 60 questions, and the total marks for this section would be 60(60×1-60). The students may take the question paper with them.

    Paper 2 would consist of Essay writing, for which the total allotted marks would be 60. The candidate would be required to write two essays (30x2-60), choosing sections A and B. The total time allotted for both the papers would be three hours. However, the OMR sheet would be collected after one hour. The time allotted for writing the essays will be 02 hours.
  5. The essay of only the top 900 students will be evaluated based on the MCQ test mark (Paper 1).
  6. The total marks for the Interview/Personality test would be 30 (Thirty).
  7. In the case of a tie, the higher marks in the interview would be taken as the basis of selection. If there is still a tie, the younger candidate (age-wise) will get the seat.
  8. Any candidate who has already availed the facilities of RCA, JMI for three years and has never appeared for a civil services interview (UPSC) will not be eligible to fill the form and appear in the entrance test.
  9. Only those candidates who have already completed their Graduation and are eligible for applying to Civil Services 2023 need to apply for RCA-JMI.
  10. Coaching will include (a) classes on General Studies, CSAT and selected optional papers (b) Test series, answer's evaluation, and Essay writing practice shall form part of the curriculum.
  11. The Academy will also conduct Mock Interviews for those who qualify for the personality test.
  12. Test Series (Prelims.) will be held from January 2023- to April 2023.
  13. Test Series (Main) will be held from June to September 2023.
  14. Air-conditioned Library facility is provided about (24x7).
  15. The sports complex of Jamia Millia Islamia will be available to the enrolled students of RCA as per University rules for its students.
  16. The available seats are 100. Hostel accommodation is compulsory and will be provided to all the admitted students. In case of shortage, hostel seats may be allotted in a phased manner, strictly based on merit determined by the entrance test. However, RCA reserves the right to reduce the intake if sufficient deserving candidates are not found to be available.
  17. A Maintenance charge of 1000/- per month (to be paid in advance for at least six months, i.e. 6000/-) and Mess charges in the range of 2500/- to 3000/- per in advance every month. The Hostel guidelines will be issued separately at the time of admission.
  18. Students shall adhere to the Hostel Rules and Regulations as approved by Jamia Millia Islamia and RCA authorities.
  19. Application form to be filled online on JMI examinations website 20. Application has to be submitted online only with a fee of 850/- or + applicable basic charges.
  20. Contact Office: 26981717.

The date of the Entrance Test may change due to unforeseen circumstances. The same would be notified on Jamia's website for the applicants.(JMI examinations website

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