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Sainik School Korukonda Complete Exam Details

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School Contact Person
Phone Number
Email Address
School Website
School Address
Korukonda, Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh,
INDIA. 535214

Introduction :

Sainik School, Korukonda Vizianagaram, is a Senior Secondary School (XI-XII), affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The School is a Coed Boarding School, with classes from VI to XII. It is an English Medium school. The school is located in Korukonda area of Vizianagaram. Sainik School, Korukonda was established in 1962. It is a Government School and is part of Sainik Schools and is managed by Sainik Schools Society, Ministry of Defence.

Sainik School Korukonda is a Coed Boarding School, which services the educational need of over 600 students from VI through XII. The classes in Sainik School for every academic year starts from April to March.

Exam Notification


Admission Schedule 2023-2024 Session

The Programme for the entrance examination is given below:-

  1. Online Submission of Application Form : 21 October to 30 November 2022 (Upto 05.00 PM)
  2. Last Date of Successful Transaction of Fee : 30.11.2022(Upto 05.00 PM)
  3. Issue of Admit Card: Will be announced on the NTA website later
  4. Date of Entrance Exam: 8th January, 2023 (Sunday)
  5. For admission to Class VI: From 02.00 pm to 04.30 pm
  6. For admission to Class IX: From 02.00 pm to 5.00 pm
  7. Publication of Merit List Roll Number-wise of candidates called Medical Examination and issue of Call Letters: February 2022
  8. Medical Exam (Tentative):
  9. Publication of final Merit List including Waiting List:

Fees Details

Sainik School, Korukonda Fees: Fee Structure & Details

Refer below for Sainik School, Korukonda Vizianagaram fee structure and current fees.

You can also call the school's Admission Counsellors for more details.

The School Fees are fixed by the Board of Governors periodically. Following payments are required to be made by the parents at the time of admission in the School:

  1. School/Tution Fee : Rs. 79,860/- (Annually)
  2. Caution Money : Rs. 3,000/- (Rs. 1,500/- (For SC/ST) Refundable.)
  3. Clothing Money : Rs. 27,000/- (Only Rs. 20,000/- Claimable as Clothing Money from Scholarship, Rs. 7,000/- non claimable/non refundable.)
  4. Diet Fee : Rs. 34,220/- (@ Rs. 118 per day for 290 days).
  5. Utensil Charges : Rs. 1,500/-
  6. Incidental Money :
    1. Rs. 16,000/- (Annually for new Admissions)
    2. Rs. 5,000/- (Annually for old Cadets )
  7. Electricity & Gen Charges : Rs. 2,300/-p.a
  8. Washing Charges : Rs. 3,080/- p.a
  9. Postage Charges : Rs. 100/- p.a
  10. Insurance Premium : Rs. 1,000/- (Valid for 5 Years only)
  11. Entertainment Charges : Rs. 200/- p.a
  12. SMS Charges : Rs. 150/- p.a

Form Fees

The Registration charge will be included in the selling price of the prospectus-cum application forms at the following rates:-

  1. General and Defence Category : Rs.650/-
  2. SC/ST : Rs.500/-

Exam Pattern 2023-24

Class VI Exam Pattern 2023-24

Subject Name: No. of Questions & Marks Total Marks
Math 50 * 3 150
GK (Sc & Sst) 25 * 2 50
Language 25 * 2 50
Intelligence 25 * 2 50
  Total 300


Class IX Exam Pattern 2023-24

Subject No. of Questions * Marks Total Marks
Math 50 * 4 200
English 25 * 2 50
Intelligence 25 * 2 50
General Science 25 * 2 50
Social Studies 25 * 2 50
Total Total Questions 150 400


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Seat Reservation Policy

  1. 67% seats are reserved for boys of the State where the school is located.
  2. The balance 33% seats are open to boys from all other States and UTs.
  3. Within this broad classification, 25% seats are reserved for sons of service personnel including ex-servicemen while 15% seats are reserved for SC and 7½% for ST candidates.

Admission Details

Academic Year
April to March
Admission Period
October Onwards

Admission Contact Details
Contact Person
Phone: (+91) 8510055577, 8510044411

The School has students enrolled from VI to XII. Find below the admission schedule, procedure, Contact Details, documents required and instructions for parents for Sainik School, Korukonda, Vizianagaram Admission.

In this section, we will answer the common questions like What is the admission process like and what are the key dates? Is their any admission test? Will School also hold an interview or an interaction? What is the age criterion for admission to Sainik School, Korukonda Vizianagaram for the upcoming academic year?

Sainik Schools offer admission at the level of Class VI and Class IX. Admission is based on the performance of candidates in the All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination (AISSEE). Exam will be conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA). Parents have to fill the online registration form and upload the necessary documents. NTA will be conducting the AISSEE 2022 in the paper pen mode in 176 cities across India.

The selection and admission to Sainik Schools is subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility, rank in merit list, medical fitness, verification of original documents and such other criteria as may be prescribed by the Sainik Schools.

Application for admission to Sainik School, Korukonda and other Sainik School is ONLINE process through AISSEE website ttps://”. Prospectus can be downloaded from the Website. Submission of application form and deduction of fees is through online mode only.

Boys and Girls seeking admission in Class VI should be 10-12 yrs of age and for Class IX they should be aged 13-15 yrs as on 31st March in the year admission is being sought.

The prospectus and application form are available in the month of October every year and can be obtained from the respective school where the student wants to take admission.


All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination is held in the month of January every year.

Medium of Examination for Class VI examinations will be English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu . The question papers for Class VI will continue to be set in English and all the recognized official languages. But question papers for class IX will be set in English only and students are required to answer in English.

Mode of Examination: Paper pencil on OMR answer sheets for admission to both Class VI and Class IX.

Type of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions

Admission is based on an entrance test comprising Maths, GK (Sc & Sst),Language and Intelligence for Class VI; Maths, Intelligence, English ,General Science and Social Studies for Class IX, followed by Interview and medical examination.

The minimum qualifying marks for general category candidates as well as children of Defence Services Personnel and ex-servicemen will be 25% in each subject with 40% in aggregate.

Territories, where Sainik Schools are not established, will be that of the schools indicated against each

  1. Delhi - Sainik School, Kunjpura
  2. Chandigarh - Sainik School, Kapurthala
  3. Tripura, Sainik School, Imphal
  4. Lakshadweep & Mahe Sainik School, Kazhakootam
  5. Puducherry & Karaikal Sainik School, Amaravathinagar
  6. Goa Sainik School, Satara
  7. Diu & Daman, Dadra & Nagar Haveli - Sainik School, Balachadi
  8. Meghalaya & Sikkim - Sainik School, Goalpara
  9. Andaman & Nicobar Island - Sainik School, Purulia.
  10. Yanam & Telangana - Sainik School, Korukonda
  11. Uttar Pradesh - Sainik School, Ghorakhal, Uttarakhand

SEATS (2022)

Name of Sainik School Sainik School Korukonda
Name of State Andhra Pradesh
Class VI Seats for Boys 68
Class VI Seats for Girl 10
Class VI Total Seats 78
Class IX Total Seats 22
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